import re import logging from naff import ( Extension, slash_command, slash_option, InteractionContext, OptionTypes, Client, ) from naff.models.discord.enums import ButtonStyles, Permissions from naff.models.discord.embed import Embed, EmbedAuthor, EmbedField from naff.models.discord.components import ActionRow, Button class QuoteExtension(Extension): def __init__(self, client: Client): self.client = client @slash_command(name="quote", description="Quote a message", dm_permission=False) @slash_option( name="url", description="Message URL", required=True, opt_type=OptionTypes.STRING, ) async def quote_command(self, ctx: InteractionContext, url: str): url_match = re.match( r"https?://discord(?:app)?\.com/channels/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)", url ) if url_match is None: ctx.ephemeral = True await ctx.send("Invalid URL") return _, channel_id, message_id = url_match.groups() chan = await self.client.fetch_channel(channel_id) msg = await chan.fetch_message(message_id) if chan is None or msg is None: await ctx.send("Failed to get message", ephemeral=True) print(chan) print(msg) return if not ( & (Permissions.VIEW_CHANNEL | Permissions.READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY) ) == (Permissions.VIEW_CHANNEL | Permissions.READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY): ctx.ephemeral = True await ctx.send( "You don't have permission to view this message", ephemeral=True ) return author_embed = EmbedAuthor(, ) embed = Embed( #, author=author_embed, description=msg.content, color=0x00FF00, timestamp=msg.created_at, url=url, ) if len(msg.attachments) == 1 and msg.attachments[0].width is not None: embed.set_image(url=msg.attachments[0].url) elif len(msg.attachments) > 1: field = EmbedField( name="**Attachments**", value="\n".join( [f"• [{a.filename}]({a.url})" for a in msg.attachments] ), ) embed.fields.append(field) # pylint: disable=E1101 # pylint: disable=E1123 components: list[ActionRow] = [ ActionRow( Button( style=ButtonStyles.LINK, emoji="🔗", url=url, ) ) ] await ctx.send(embed=embed, components=components) def setup(bot): QuoteExtension(bot)"Quote extension loaded")